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Publications list on HAL open science

Peer reviewed articles

Drought induced regime shift and resilience of a Sahelian eco-hydrosystem
Wendling V., Peugeot C., Garcia-Mayor A., Hiernaux P., Mougin E., Walcker R., Grippa M., Kergoat L., Galle S., Lebel T.
Environmental Research Letters, (August 2019).

Dynamics of soil aggregate size in turbulent flow: Respective effect of soil type and suspended concentration.
Wendling, V., Legout, C. Gratiot, N., Michallet, H., Grangeon, T.
(June 2016).

Using an optical settling column to assess suspension characteristics within the free, flocculation and hindered settling regimes.
Wendling, V., Gratiot, N., Legout, C., Droppo, I.G., Coulaud, C., Mercier, B
Journal of Soils and Sediment
, (September 2015).

The challenges of interdisciplinary research and training courses on climate change: the Summer Seminar “About the 2 °C”
Mathy S., Labussière O., Lavorel S., Lebel T., Schmitt B., Athanase M., Benarrosh N., Blot X., Bodian A., Bouillaud C., Bouillon M., Breton F., Briche E., Bucci S., Chezel E., Dayan H., Delorme D., Diallo H., Durand S., Evrard R., Fargette M., Florin I., Galle S., Gherardi J., Gittard M., Hidalgo J., Huber L., Letort E., Mora O., Mounoud E., Palle A., Paturel D., Paturel J.-E., Pinel C., Plain N., Pomade A., Rebotier J., Rejeb R., Reynders S., Robilliard A.-S., Rogissart L., Solmon F., Tantez A., Thermes C., Wendling V.
Natures Sciences Sociétés, 1240-1307, (2021).


Unit for measuring the falling speed of particles in suspension in a fluid and device comprising at least one measuring unit and one automatic sampler.
Gratiot, N.,Legout, C., Mercier, B., Wendling, V., Coulaud, C., Mora, H.

Publication number WO2015055963 A1. 2015.

Dispositif de mesure de la vitesse de chute de particules en suspension dans un fluide et procédé de mesure à l’aide d’un tel dispositif.
Gratiot, N., Legout, C., Mercier, B., Wendling, V., Coulaud, C., Mora, H.
Demande de brevet d’invention n°13 60 167. 2013.


Development of a suspended aggregates and flocs carracterisation systevm.
PhD Thesis, Université de Grenoblme 2015.

Thesis (French)

Sedimentary Hydrodynamics of the Cointzio reservoir (Mexico).
Stage de Master 2 Recherche. LTHE, 2011.
Thesis (French)

Characterization of a vineyard soil : acid-base and structural reactivity of the granulometric fractions .
Stage de Master 1. LTHE, 2010.
Thesis (French)


Tipping points in hydrology: observed regional regime shift and System Dynamics modeling.
Wendling V., Peugeot C., Grippa M., Kergoat L., Mougin E., Hiernaux P., Rouché N., Panthou G., Rajot J.-L., Pierre C., Mora O., Garcia-Mayor A., Ba A., Lawin E., Bouzou-Moussa I.
EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, session Nonlinear Dynamics and Tipping Points in the Earth System.

Tipping points in continental hydrology : developing a system dynamics approach to represent the interfaces in the critical zone and built a decade-scale hydrologic model.
Wendling V., Peugeot C., Grippa M., Panthou G., Rajot J.-L., Mora O., Garcia-Mayor A., Lawin E., Bouzou-Moussa I., Ba A., Demarty G., Etchanchu J., Hector B., Galle S., Lebel T and the TipHyc Project
XIth Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS 2022), Montpellier (France), 29 May – 3 June 2022., session Unsolved Problems in Hydrology: Overarching session.

Assessing hydrological regime shifts through system-dynamics modeling.
Wendling V., Peugeot C., Grippa M., Panthou G., Rajot J.-L., Mora O., Garcia-Mayor A., Lawin E., Bouzou-Moussa I., Ba A., and the collaborators of the TipHyc Project
First OZCAR TERENO International Conference, Strasbourg, France 5 – 7 October 2021. session Challenges in understanding CZ processes in Africa.

Looking for feedback loops in the critical zone
Peugeot C., Wendling V., Grippa M., Ba A., Binet S., Boithias L., Braud I., Champollion C., Choler P., Ducharne A., Fouché J.,  Johannet A., Josselin D., Kuppel S.,  Legout C., Pierret M.-C., Probst A., Probst J.-L., Sauvage S., Schoeneich P., Sellier V., Simonneau A., Simonneaux V., Vischel V.
First OZCAR TERENO International Conference, Strasbourg, France 5 – 7 October 2021. session Biogeochemical processes at the soil and catchment scale.

Small scale eco-hydrological regime shifts and impacts on regionalchanges in the Sahel.
Wendling V., Peugeot C., Garcia-Mayor A., Hiernaux P. Mougin E., Walcker R., Grippa M., Kergoat L., Lebel T.
EGU General Assembly 2019, Wien 7-12 April 2019, session Climate tipping points, critical thresholds and ecosystem resilience.

Tipping points and regime shifts in dynamic systems : a new modeling approach to study Sahelian ecohydrology
Wendling V., Peugeot C., Garcia-Mayor A., Hiernaux P. Mougin E., Grippa M., Kergoat L., Lebel T.
AMMA-CATCH International conference. « Observatories of the Critical Zone in Africa: current issues and findings », Niamey, Niger, 12-14 November 2018

The inexorable decay of the tiger bush’ in a regreening Sahel: a shift in landscape and ecosystem dynamics.
Hiernaux P., Trichon V., Mougin E., Walcker R., Adamou V., Wendling V., Peugeot C., Garcia-Mayor A., Grippa M., Kergoat L., Lebel T.
AMMA-CATCH International conference. « Observatories of the Critical Zone in Africa: current issues and findings », Niamey, Niger, 12-14 November 2018

Cloud forests and water resources in tropical volcanic islands. The CZO “Erorun” strategy to document the impact of climate change
Join J.-L., Ah-Peng C., Wendling V., Giambelluca T.
International Long Term Ecological Research Network & LTER-France (Zones Ateliers Network & Critical Zone Observatories) joint conference, Nantes, France, October, 2-4, 2017

3D characterization of the critical zone within a basaltic catchment using an airborne electromagnetic survey
Dumont M., Join J-L., Wendling V., Aunay B.
EGU General Assembly 2017 Vol. 19, EGU2017-18818, 2017

A new device to measure the settling properties of suspended particles : instrumental development and first applications during runoff events in small watersheds
Legoût C., Wendling V., Gratiot N., Mercier B., Coulaud C., Nord G.,Droppo I., Ribolzi O.
EGU Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU2016-8542, 2016

Developpement d’un Systeme de Caracterisation des Agregats et Flocs (SCAF)
Mercier B., Wendling V., Coulaud C., Legout C., Gratiot N.
7ème Colloque Interdisciplinaire en Instrumentation (2016)

Système de Caractérisation des Agrégats et des Flocs en suspension
Wendling, V., Gratiot, N., Legout, C., Droppo, I., Coulaud, C., Mercier, B.
Journée Ecouflu, Grenoble, Mars 2015.

Dynamique sédimentaire dans la région du Bas-Mékong : quelles perspectives de mesure avec l’instrument SCAF.
Gratiot, N., Wendling, V., Monnoyer, Q., Antoine, G., Jodeau, M., Coulaud, C., Mercier, B., Droppo, I. and Legout, C.
27ème Entretien Jacques Cartier.. 27-28 nov 2014, HoChiMinh Ville, Vietnam, 2014

Assessment of suspended sediment properties from an optical settling column during a dam flushing event: the Arc and Isère rivers Monnoyer, Q., Gratiot, N., Jodeau, M., Antoine, G., Legout, C., Wendling, V., Coulaud, C., Mercier, B.
Particles In Europe (PIE 2014). 6-9 October, Esjberg, Danemark. 2014.

Vers une meilleure prise en compte des caractéristiques physiques des particules dans les modèles d’érosion.
Grangeon, T., Wendling, V., Legout, C., Gratiot, N., Droppo, I.G., Manning, A.J., Michallet, H.
Les 12èmes journées d’études des sols. 30 Juin-4Juillet, pp105-106, 2014, Chambéry, France, 2014.

Système de Caractérisation des Agrégats et des Flocs (SCAF).
Wendling, V., Legout, C., Gratiot, N., Mercier, B., Coulaud, C., Mora, H.

Les 12èmes journées d’études des sols. 30 Juin-4Juillet, pp.123-124, 2014, Chambéry, France. 2014.

A rapid method for settling velocity and flocculation measurement within high suspended sediment concentration rivers.
Wendling V., Gratiot N., Legout C., Droppo I.G., Manning A.J., Antoine G., Michallet H., Jodeau M..
Conférence, INTERCOH 2013, 21-24 octobre 2013, Gainesville, Floride. – Abstract Video

Basin-scale hydrodynamics of a wind-swept tropical turbid reservoirs : the Cointzio reservoir (Michoacán, Mexico)
Wendling, V., Gratiot, N., Némery, J., Doan, P.T.K.
ISEM conference, Toulouse, 28-30 October 2013.

Caractérisation des particules en suspension sur le continuum versant rivière: développement instrumental et application aux bassins montagneux.
Legout, C., Coulaud, C.,Droppo, I., Grangeon, T., Gratiot, N., Manning, A.J., Mercier, B., Mora, H., Némery, J., Nord, G., Recking, A., Wendling, V.
Colloque de restitution de la 3e prospective nationale de recherche 2013/2017 en Surfaces et Interfaces Continentales, 21-23 Mai 2013, Paris, France.2013.

Sediment settling properties of freshly eroded aggregates.
Wendling V., Gratiot N., Legout C., Michallet H., Manning A.J..

Conférence, MEDFREND 2012, 15-16 novembre 2012, Istanbul, Turkey. – Abstract

Impact of high turbidity on the hydrodynamic and biogeochemical functioning of tropical reservoirs: the case study of Cointzio, Mexico.
Doan, P., Wendling, V., Bonnet, M.P. Némery, J. and Gratiot, N.

4th International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts. 8-11 October 2012, Hanoi, Vietnam.8pp. 2012.

Mesures de turbulence en rivière
In situ turbulence measurement